Contemplating our Venus Sequence Together
With a Gene Keys Guide & Community
"The Venus Sequence reveals karma as a genetic sequence that unfolds throughout your life. Your ability to accept this karma with graciousness determines how quickly and easily you transcend your own suffering..."

– The 22nd Gene Key

Love Sessions

More than anything, these sessions are all about – as Richard once said – us falling in love with one another!

We will cultivate this field of Love together by first allowing, then accepting, and finally embracing our karma, or sanskaras – the particular patterns of wounding we have taken on in this lifetime. These are essentially the unloved (or unloving!) parts of ourselves, even though they tend to show up in the mirror of our relationships, leading us to think that 'they' are the problem...

Through the relationships we create in this space, we will learn to love and understand one another more fully, by practicing the great teaching of the Venus Sequence – returning Non-Love with Love.

Meeting Schedule:

– Every 2nd Monday at 5pm UTC

Sequence of Sessions:

– At this time, our sessions will move through the Venus Sequence step by step. When there is a Gene Keys Retreat happening, we will align our contemplation with that.


– All may join any single session, while ongoing participation requires purchase of the Venus Sequence online programme.

Feel free to just drop in any time, or come regularly for a more immersive experience...
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