Contemplating our Pearl Sequence Together
With a Gene Keys Guide & Community
"...This third phase of your inner voyage concerns the relationship of your inner life to your outer life. In the introduction to the Golden Path, we learn that the potential outcome of this journey is to attain a state known as 'individuation'. Individuation refers to a process whereby the many different aspects of your life – your dreams, your relationships, your health, your finances, your spirituality – are brought together into an integrated harmony. An individuated human being is a person whose inner life is in exact harmony with their outer life.

– Introduction to The Pearl Sequence

Prosperity Sessions

When looking at it in a certain way, we can see the flow of love moving through us as we walk the Golden Path. In the Activation Sequence, we learn to love ourselves. In Venus, we learn to love another, or others who are close to us.

In the Pearl, we learn to love everyone!

The core teaching of the Pearl Sequence is, after all, about philanthropy, which means the love of humanity!

The purpose of these sessions will be to celebrate our love for humanity, by giving of ourselves from the deepest inner core of who we are. They are an opportunity to get in touch with one of our deepest fears – simply put, that our dreams are not true. In other words, we will look for where our inner light is staying hidden, and find creative ways (or simply the courage) to let it shine.

We will also explore another great wound around 'finding our tribe', and how, by breaking out of cultural conditioning and expressing our innermost selves, we will automatically attract our 'fractal family' – the community of kindred souls who we truly love and belong with.

Meeting Schedule:

– Thursdays at 5:30pm UTC

Sequence of Sessions:

– At this time, our sessions will move through the Pearl Sequence step by step. When there is a Gene Keys Retreat happening, we will align our contemplation with that.


– All may join any single session, while ongoing participation requires purchase of the Pearl Sequence online programme.

Feel free to just drop in any time, or come regularly for a more immersive experience...
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