Contemplating our Hologenetic Profiles Together
With Special Gene Keys Guide Nynke Rinzema & Community
"Did you know that you have a unique Genetic Sequence that dictates the unfolding of your true nature?"

– The 55th Gene Key

Profile Sessions with Nynke Rinzema

These sessions are all about playing with our Gene Keys profiles.

Our format offers a unique opportunity to explore any and all aspects of our profiles – both together in a group, and in a more intimate, 1:1 format, with Gene Keys Guide and profile 'seer' Nynke Rinzema.

Since becoming a Guide when the programme opened a few years ago, Nynke has read and given sessions for hundreds of profiles. Combining her 17th Gift of Far-Sightedness – which is adept at recognizing patterns rooted in numbers, letters, and words* – with her unique quality of Soul Touching, Nynke has developed both a holistic and precision approach to seeing the essence of one's inner being through the lens of our Hologenetic profile.

These sessions will have one main group where we will all look into our profiles together, and also a private room with Nynke, where she will meet with one person at a time for approximately 30 minutes.**

*Ref: 17th Gift of Far-Sightedness
**There will be an additional fee for a 1:1 session, and participants must pre-register.

Meeting Schedule:

– Every 2nd Wednesday at 5pm UTC

Course Requirements:

– Your Gene Keys Profile.

If you happen to not have it yet, you may get it here.

Feel free to just drop in any time, or come regularly for a more immersive experience...
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